2017: I cooked eggs for breakfast then we hit the road from Brant and Jami's. Perused HEB and then through Austin to the Walmart in Fredericksburg, TX for the night.
2018: Slowish day at work. Got two paintings done for paint class examples. At lun ch went and got a mocha from Smileys and sketched at Buckley Park. Pi day so went and had pizza at Home Slice after work.
2019: Ashley dropped me off at Enterprise in the way into town and I picked up the rental car and headed to the store to do the town plaza sign. Then I hit th e road and drove to Mom E2 80 99s. The GPS took me a weird way so I got to s ee Monument Valley. Beautiful drive but a long day in the car. Made it to Mo ms in Bouse and great to see her and visit for a bit
2020: Fed Lily over night - she woke up a few times so not super restful. We allslept in late. Then the morning went by awfully fast. We all headed intoBayfield and I picked up some groceries and materials to test outhydroponic growing inside. Home and spent the evening prepping meals -veggies cut for 3 different meals this week. Then on to bed.
2022: Ashley and I woke early to enjoy coffees before the morning started withLily (who ended up sleeping late). We had coffee, did a couple of choresand even read for a bit before starting our day. The chicken coop onlyopened partway - so the birds could get down but not back up again. Weird.After breakfast I headed to work - picked up some boards, pots, and suchfrom the Family Dollar and then Home Depot. To the store for paperwork(filing and filing tax papers for the biz) and assembled the smallestwindow sign as a test - it looks good! Wrote the email for the week and gotit scheduled before heading home. Beans and rice for supper! Reading a bitbefore heading to bed.
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