2017: Drove into Acadia visitor center and parked RV. Rode bikes along carriage ro ads down around Jordon Pond and back. Rode motorcycle down to Route 3 and th rough Bar Harbor and back to the RV. Moved up to Campground for the night an d got settled in. Unloaded motorcycle and parked it by the office for an ear ly morning trip to watch sunrise from Cadillac Mountain.
2018: Bicycled in to work. Jeramiah stopped by and went over payroll with me.Chatted about biz stuff for a bit then just a work day. Met Lexis at thebridge to get measurements for the public art project then home. Ashley hada snack supper (cheese, crackers, fruit, etc) ready and waiting. Deliciousand fun! Afterward she gave me a massage before bed.
2019: Dropped Ashley off at the office and picked up some new shoes at WalMart.Then to the store and a work day. Picked up Ashley and we rented a movieand headed home. Supper, reading, movie, and bed.
2021: I slept ok in the basement, better than Ashley and Lily. I made pancakesand sausage for breakfast. We basically hung around the house for the dayand let Lily rest since she's feeling poorly (but not horrible, herappetite doesn't seem affected). Watched church and a movie and justrelaxed. Early to bed for everyone.
2023: Everyone slept in a bit late. Lily's feeling better but still not 100%.Ashley planted some flowers in the window boxes and hanging baskets - withLily's help. I headed to the store for the day. Got some things done for meand then closed the store for the evening (started tracing out portraitsfor the oil paint tests). Home for supper, played with Lily for a bit, thengot her to bed. Read for a bit.
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