2017: Woke and got ready for church. After lunch Bella, the new Mathis puppy, arrived. The kids finally made it into bed, Jami headed out to study,Ashley played with Bella while Brant and I changed out boards in the fence. Hudson woke up and he and Ashley played a bit. Supper, then off to church. Jami met us there. Back at the house, Brant made popcorn.
2018: Work day. Ashley dropped off the car at the shop and worked home.
2019: In to work and got the email scheduled for the week. Picked up Ashley fromthe office and she dropped me back off for her meetings at the churchbuilding. So I got some more accounting done. Then home and tacos forsupper. Read before bed.
2020: Up and got to feed Lily before heading into work. Sign day - worked in theframe shop - had a headache all day but made it. Home and finally startedfeeling better. Breakfast for supper and watched a show with Ashley beforeheading to bed.
2021: Working day. The chickens didn't arrive at the feed store yet. I finishedthe feeder/waterer tray for the brooder so we're ready when they do arrive.Picked up a couple of groceries before heading home. We had supper, readfor a bit and then headed for bed.
2022: Haven't heard anything so home again! Took care of a bunch of projectsaround the house. Worked on the chicken coop door opener, prepped makingtomato soup, finished and installed towel rack in the bathroom, and more.Lily and I made tomato soup and wrapped up for the day while Ashley went toChavolo's for Mom's night. She had a great time, as did Lily and I. Thesoup was pretty tart so Lily wasn't a fan but she gamely tried it. She gotto bed, and I wrapped up for the night and read for a bit before Ashley gothome.
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