2017: Spent the morning wrapping up chores while in the campground with full hookups. Then headed over the mountains to White Sands Nat Monument. Though neither of us were excited about the stop, we both loved it! Hiked up in the sand dunes, buried Ashley in the sand (till it blew up her nose) and had a blast jumping and running down the dunes! Stayed to enjoy the sunset over the mountains then headed to the nearby Walmart for ice-cream - and they had digestives! Fabulous day, filled with laughter and smiles as replayed like kids.
2018: Slept in late and headed out to explore. Dropped off some things at the RVthen headed up to Molas to enjoy the view. Still snowy up there but theroads were clear. On into Silverton for some coffee before coasting backdownhill for food at Steamworks. Delicious! Quick stop to pick up a movie,ended up with Jumanji. Really fun. Then watched Moana since Mom hadn't seenit.
2019: Work day. Great weather so I headed down to the river for a lunchtimepainting. Lots of fun! Ashley and I ate supper and watched BohemianRhapsody. Good movie.
2020: Stay home day - taking care of Lily through the day so that Ashley couldwork. We all went for a walk to the lake. I made the spinach/lentil soup asan experiment - tasted good! Watched a couple of webinars about businessemergency stuff. Dunno that they were really helpful but didn't hurtanything to watch through them. Read for a bit and generally hung out. Thegovernor gave a quot stay at homequot order starting tomorrow morning. So I closedthe store about the right time. It's a bit of a relief to be waiting andhaving a break at home.
2021: Tweaked my back bringing up firewood in the morning so sore and tender allday. It was spitting snow off and on all day so delayed hanging the TPsign. Met with Karen, Linda, and Robb at church to discuss staffing as SPR.Home to supper. Ashley was wondering about bed bugs so we washed Lily'sdock-a-tot sheets and didn't find anything. Read for a bit before bed.
2022: We prepped a picnic lunch and headed to Eagle Park, meeting Evanne, Tyson,and Sawyer there. We played and then ate lunch. Home for nap time andtaking care of some chores. In the evening we went to the Komae group atthe Treehouse and met some new families. Then reading before bed.
2023: Work day. But cut off a bit early since the power went out. I sent everyonehome. Yesterday Lily started getting up out of bed on her own (for thefirst time).
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