2017: Library job hunt in the morning, lunch and a walk with Ashley, then back tothe library. Tired night, so quick supper and watched part of thequot Fellowship of the Ringquot before bed.
2018: Ashley woke up with a stuffy head and bit of a runny nose. Work day.Jeramiah decided to try and re-rent out the studio space and convert theclasses into mobile sessions. He also realized that he could buy Basinwithout selling ASH first, so he's going forward with that plan. It speedsthings up on his end and also helps negate that risk that he could bewithout a business if they cancel. Good day, went fairly fast. Got newglass in the window so that's nice - much quieter. Ashley ended upcanceling appointments and coming home halfway through the day. Steak andasparagus for supper. Then I headed to the basement to get some drawingsdone for the mural project before heading to bed.
2020: In to work. Didn't quite get things done as hoped but mostly caught up sohopefully next weekend we'll be there. Grabbed some sorbets from Cream BeanBerry on the way home to surprise Ashley with. I put Lily to bed whileAshley made breakfast for supper. Then we watched a show while she pumpedand then headed to bed.
2021: Woke early and got coffee started before getting Lily. We had breakfast,let the chickens out, played on the tricycle in the driveway, and generallykept ourselves occupied before Mom and Gary came upstairs for the day. Wehad a snack then Mom, Lily and I went for a walk to the lake and theplayground. Mom met Danny and Colleen (and Danny's grandkids) at theplayground while Lily and I played. It was pretty warm so we didn't staylong but headed home. Gary was at the picnic table, enjoying the shade, sowe joined him for a bit before heading inside for lunch and then nap time.Mom and Gary went for a drive for a bit. Ashley got home shortly after Lilywent to sleep so we chatted during her nap. Mom and Gary returned afterLily woke up so we all spent time in the back yard/deck. I prepped supperand we ate outside. Lily went to bed, we chatted for a bit, then everyoneelse headed to bed too.
2022: Nice to be home for another day. No one slept well so we had a pretty laidback day. After breakfast we all went to the Treehouse for waterplay day.Ashley and Lily rode the bicycle (my tire's still flat so I drove the carand met them there). Lily had a great time playing. She had a snack on theride home and I had lunch waiting when they got back. Ashley and I watcheda movie during nap time. Lily slept late but we were able to go to thelibrary for a bit of play time (and snagged a couple of books) then toBottom Shelf for supper.
2023: Ashley made egg sandwiches for breakfast, then we all headed to Walmart forsome shopping. After we finished that I headed to the store and the girlsheaded home. Worked till close (had an interview) and then home to help putLily to bed. Read for a bit before heading the same way myself.
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