2017: Driving day. Made it from Kansas to Colorado. Spending the night at a boondo cking spot we stayed at before, near Alamosa, when visiting the great sand d unes.
2018: Slept in just a bit - went out on the back porch to enjoy coffee and perusing the A-Frame house that Jody gave us. Very cool and lots of inspiration! Lisa and Tim got up so Ashley put together cookies and breakfast. We went for a walk up and around the lake. We played a couple rounds of Sagrada (building stain glass windows board game) before heading into town for lunch at Fired Up. Delicious! Back to the house – the driver's front brake started squealing something awful just by the mailboxes but we made it back to the house without any trouble. Chatted fora bit more before Tim and Lisa headed on toward Albuquerque. I took the wheels off and looked at the brakes but didn't see anything. Drove around the loop, checking out houses and testing the brakes - no issues. We hung up the hammock and laid down for a bit before wrapping that up and heading for a stroll around the lake. Gorgeous and a nice, easy walk. Reading a bit before bed.
2019: Slept in a little bit and then had a delightful breakfast (blueberrybanana-cakes, bacon and watermelon) then read for a bit. Walked around thelake, it's nice and quiet. Lunch on the back porch then hung out in thehammock for reading and a nap. Then into town to grab rootbeer and icecream for floats. Another walk around the lake then reading before bed.
2020: Headed into work to spend time in the frame shop. Grabbed coffees foreveryone working and got a few projects done. We ordered pizzas in andclosed the doors while enjoying them together. Wrapped up a last frameproject and headed home when we closed up the shop early. Then we all tooka nap while Lily did and went for a walk to the lake. Made cookies and thenleftovers for supper. Headed to bed after hanging out and chatting for abit.
2021: Ashley and I both slept poorly. After breakfast we went to the farm so thatI could weedeat one of the unused garden beds. Then to Home Depot and bythe store to pick up a few things before heading home. Watched a showduring Lily's nap. We played out in the yard for a bit once she woke up butdecided to stay home. I cooked quail, mashed potatoes, and scapes forsupper. Really tasty and nice to try quail (their wings and legs are a bitfiddly and probably not worth the trouble). I washed up while Lily got abath. Ashley made cookies to drop off at Patrick and Rachel's. We read fora bit before bed.
2022: I patched the tires on the white ebike and we loaded up after a quickbreakfast for a trip to town. Went to Evanne's house and parked the bikes.After a brief chat we headed to Mill Street to our seats for the parade.Lots of fun to watch - Lily's first parade and she enjoyed it (once shesettled in and actually stated watching.) A brief time to de-stimulate backat the house and then home for nap time (for Lily and myself). We checkedout the garden (more strawberries and some peas!) and generally hung out inthe yard for a bit. Then headed up to the cabin for games and nachos on thetable. Live music and Lily's first two bites of s'mores before heading homefor the evening. Everyone was tired so we showered and then to bed prettyquickly.
2023: Took some time to get to sleep so a bit slow waking up this morning. Lilydefinitely slept later than normal. We had crepes and eggs for breakfast,then went to the common house patio to decorate Lily's trike for the paradethis afternoon. Then hopped on the ebikes and headed downtown for theparade. Found the Cavinesses and joined them in watching the parade (didn'tget as much candy and popcicles this year, fortunately) Then home for anap. Nap was brief and ended poorly, so we joined in the parade and thenwent straight back home for the rest of the day. Played together, madesupper, and then time for the bathtime routine. Trying out makingcheesecake as cupcakes instead of a whole cake.
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