2017: Went into town and walked along the river trail to the farmers market. Picke d up carrots and headed back to car. To 81301 coffee for wifi and a brew. Lo oked up some properties that caught our interest and headed home for lunch. T hen out to check out some places while exploring the surrounding area. Our f avorite would easily be inaccessible in winter but ran across another that h as an unfinished place above the garage that would mean we could fix it up a nd rent out the house and help with expenses. Home for supper and a lazy eve ning before bed.
2018: In to church and chatted with Stephanie and Philip - they were planning oncoming to visit this afternoon. We stopped by the thrift store and grabbedsome coffee/tea mugs to add to our collection, but mostly to use as indoorherb planters. Swung by ColdStone for some ice cream (turns out theyweren't participating in the BOGO sale) and then home. Ashley made cookies,I sliced up the watermelon, and we generally hung out. The internet stillisn't working - but after a call to the ISP turns out they're down a towerright now. Quick rest in the hammock before the rain started. Philip andSteph came by and we gave them the tour (inside only, since it was rainingthe whole time) and just caught up over some coffees. They brought somechairs, which we love, and generally blessed our home with presence and aprayer over it (and us). After they headed off Ashley put together supperand we read for a bit.
2019: Work day. Wrapped up at normal time and headed home. Great to have anevening at home - cooked and ate supper, walked around the lake, read for abit, then headed to bed.
2020: Lily woke early so we were up about 5. I sat with her for her naps to helpher take them as the first was awfully short. Ashley got work done most ofthe day. I worked through some of my video backlog while sitting with Lilyand we got a couple of walks in for some fresh air. Read for a bit beforebed.
2021: After breakfast Ashley headed to the farm for a bit. Lily and I walked tothe lake and spent time at the playground. Back home for lunch and playingthen nap time for both of us. I read for a bit after waking up. Ashley gothome just after Lily woke so we played and did chores around the house. Iswept and mopped the living room and kitchen. Ashley vacuumed. I removedthe window cling from the bathroom and installed the new stuff - looks muchbrighter. I also installed a bar to support the chicken ramp. Lily waspushed in her tricycle while I bicycled for a bit. BLTs for supper thenbedtime.
2023: Ashley went to work in the high tunnel for the work party so Lily and Iplayed for a bit. Gail joined us on the porch for a few minutes before theSandra and David's moving truck arrived. We helped them unload then wenthome and played for a bit longer. Ashley returned and after a snack foreveryone I headed to the store. Picked up lunch and ice cream for Lauren'sbirthday. Closed the store and headed home. Bath and bed for Lily, thenearly bedtime for me.
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