2017: Slow morning making frames. Checked out art galleries at lunch. The truckdidn't come in so extra slow afternoon. Ash left early so I stayed tillclose and learned how to do that. After supper out to pick up brownieingredients and had brownies and ice cream. Reading for the evening.
2018: Watched more of Ramit's Delegation course before heading into work for theday. Mostly just me and Howard in the store. Kristen stopped by to pick upa few things for herself but also to give me a bit of a break so I walkedabout the plaza for a quick stretch. Placed a quick art supply order to getback on the quot regularquot schedule. Stopped for some groceries and such atWalMart and then home for supper and a bit of relaxing. Ashley called butpoor signal inside the house so we didn't get to chat for long.
2019: Morning stay-at-home date! Walk around the lake after eating breakfast.Changed oil in the RV and drove it to Bayfield for gas and then toVallecito as a test run. Most everything works, but still a couple ofthings to tweak. Still have to pack for the trip to Kentucky. Relaxing day!
2020: Norma and I watched Lily while Ashley worked and went into town for theday. Norma made cookies for Ashley. We went for a walk around the lake.Sweet potato fajitas for supper - surprisingly tasty and filling!
2021: I woke early and got some reading in before anyone else woke up. We allloaded up in the car and Mom drove us to the park to check out theplayground. Mom pushed Lily in her tricycle for a lap around the trailwhile I carried Trixie. Lunch and a nap for Lily. Everyone was pretty lowenergy, it seemed like. Ashley and I went for a short walk down the roadwith Lily in the tricycle. Mom snuck out some more outfits and shoes forLily to try out. Ashley, Lily and I went to Tobey's house. She gave us atour while she finished cooking and while waiting for Hassel to arrive.Tacos were very tasty. We wrapped up and headed home to get Lily a bath andto bed. Mom had already headed that way. We read for a bit before headingto bed ourselves.
2022: After chatting we went to the new Marshall Co. library. Lily was prettydisappointed there wasn't a playground. Jim and I drove past CambridgeShores and the Moore's to see tornado damage (went past Granny's old house,it was only a few blocks away from being wiped out!) Prime rib for supper -delish! During Lily's bath Jim played on the guitar and sang. Lily saidshe's quot staring to like that Papa guyquot ! :D
2022: We didn't have prime rib here, that was yesterday. Today Ashley and I wentto Paducah for date night. We walked around downtown to see what there wasthen enjoyed excellent food at the Freight House. Great to have time tojust chat and be together! Norma, Jim, and Britt took Lily to Mike Millerpark - where she went down the big slide on her own! We got home just asshe was watching a movie and getting ready to have shells and cheese on theTV tray. Then bath time and Jim's seranading.
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