2017: After spending the morning with Mom and Gary we headed over to Benton to surprise Norma and Jim. Success! They were both at home so we got to surprise them. Had a great time chatting with them and then ate lunch before Jim had to head into work. Spent the afternoon with Norma and chatted the afternoon away.
2018: Woke up with a bit of a headache and took forever to get feeling awake.Went to Rendezvous Donuts for breakfast. Home to walk Rocky then back tothe apartment for lunch and a stroll along the river trail. Back to thehouse for a bit of a nap and then out to Cream Bean Berry for ice cream andchecked out the offerings at the gear exchange. Close enough to church sowe headed that way and then home to walk Rocky again. Into town one moretime for supper at Irish Embassy. Home for the evening.
2019: Breakfast at Pura Vida - great way to start the morning. Then grabbed somemulch at the hardware store and home to get that spread, garden soil mixedand put in place, and some work done in the garage. I got the sawhorse puttogether, finally and reinforced the workbench and last of the cleats onthe wall. Weedeated the back yard and among the oaks next to the road whileAshley worked on the stone retaining wall and finished spreading mulch.Garden and yard looks great! Made pizzas for supper and read before bed
2021: Woke a bit early to get some work done. Got the email out, payroll covered,and taxes paid for the month. Once Lily laid down for her nap Ashley headedinto town to get things for the Native Hope boxes. She also stopped someother places and grabbed lunch at the Yellow Carrot. I made porkchops inthe sous vide and grilled a foil pack of veggies. We ate supper on the backporch. Small group zoom meeting then watched Lily videos before heading tobed.
2022: Everyone slept much better last night. Ashley and Lily headed out for awalk to the big playground as I got on the motorcycle to head to work. Tookthe long way, circling through Ignacio and over to 550 then in to thestore. Covered lunch, took care of the month's bookkeeping, and othermiscellaneous chores before heading out for the day. Went up 550 and backdown 250 for a more scenic route home. Supper out on the porch. Lilywatered all of the plants in the back yard a few times. Got her to bed,then read for a bit before heading that way ourselves.
2023: Working day. Lily and I went for one lap around the house on her bicyclebefore her hands were too chilly and it was time for me to head to work. Soshe went inside and I headed to the store. Lots of organizing and suchdone. Ashley was cooking when I got home. The new ceiling fan for thebedroom had arrived so I started assembling it. Lily went and got herscrewdriver from her toybox to help me. After eating she went with me toget a ladder and we took it up the back deck to the bedroom. Then Iinstalled the new fan/light while Ashley and Lily were there to help.Bedtime once I got that done - and Ashley and I headed that way pretty soonafter.
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