2017: Guys' day planned - Ashley agreed to watch the girls so that Matt and Icould have a day off. Unfortunately, it rained all day so couldn't get outand do much. We headed out for the movies, though, for the first showing ofthe day - watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and really enjoyed it! Ashleyhad put together most of supper, all that was left is to grill the chicken.Matt's desktop hasn't been working so we messed with that a bit - figuredout that the new power supply was bad but the old one worked just fine.
2018: Bicycled in to work only to discover that I forgot my shop keys so rushedback home to grab those (since Robin wasn't getting in until later thismorning). Pretty ok day at the store - ran a touch late getting out due toa customer. Home for supper and an evening of reading.
2019: Started the morning off reading at Smiley Cafe. Then on to work and gotsome chores done around the store. Walked around downtown at lunch and offto pick up Ashley in the afternoon. Stopped at Bottom Shelf for supper andthen home and reading for the evening.
2020: In to work today. Looks like I'll get all of the PPP loan forgiven, sothat's nice. Still fairly tired even after a good night's sleep. Catchingup, I suppose. Picked up groceries then headed home. Heated up supper. Readfor a bit. We let Lily sleep till she woke up, instead of waking her for a10pm feeding.
2021: Lily woke early so we spent the morning together. Everyone left at the sametime - I came in to open the store and run the frame shop while Ashley andLily went yard-sale-ing. They came to visit for a bit and Lily had a greattime playing with rolls of tape and yarn. She stacked and re-stacked thetape for at least 10 minutes. Ashley picked up pizza on the way home fortonight's supper. Home and read before bed.
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