2017: Day started off slow but a walk along the trail and through town (stoppingat the Durango Coffee Roasters for some more beans and then AnimasChocolate Co for a free truffle and some delightful hot chocolate) made theday better. Looked at houses, drove around to check out Bayfield and somerandom roads before heading home for the evening.
2018: In to work early and left a touch early. Got the week's email done. Early to bed.
2019: Slept in a bit late after the alarm went off - but had breakfast and sentAshley off to work. I got filing done and a bit of bookkeeping. Guy fromLPEA came to do a sizing of the house for an electric heater. He had somegood suggestions and my next step is to go ahead and talk to an electricianabout pricing/timing/etc. Ashley got home and we chatted for a bit. Igrabbed a shower and headed into town with a mug of soup to sip on alongthe drive. Met Keith and Philip at the theater and watched Ford vs Ferrari- really enjoyed it! Home for a bit of tea before heading to bed.
2020: Breakfast with Ashley and Lily then in to work fairly early with quiche andclementine cake. Suz dropped off lasagna so lunch was also provided! Closedup the store and headed home for the day. Couldn't sleep so stayed up extralate reading.
2021: Woke a bit early (Lily turned the alarm on, apparently). Prepped for theday while Mom packed. She said goodbye to Lily and Ashley before we hit theroad. We grabbed breakfast at Absolute Bakery and drove on south west. MetGary in Tuba City. We chatted for a few minutes before they headed on toBouse and I came back home. Stopped at a new gallery in Cortez, grabbedsome groceries quickly in Durango and home in time for supper. Evanne andSawyer came over in the morning to play and back for supper, so I got tosee them briefly before they headed home. Cleaned up for the day, put Lilyto bed, and then read before bed.
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