2017: Long day. Hot and slow. Woke early and on the road by 5 to get past D.C. And into Delaware before traffic hit. Success but only got about 4 hours of poo r sleep. Stopped at a Walmart and motorcycles into downtown Dover for breakf ast at the Brunch n Lunch. Delicious! Chicken and waffles for me, since we'v e been wondering about that combo for a few meals now. Felt much better afte r breakfast. On to a nearby rest area to wait for Brittney to call with Hann ah to confirm plans. 8 hours later and no word. We head along to a nearby Wa lmart for the night. They have digestives!
2018: Woke up to let the chickens out and feed/water the dogs, then back to bed.Slept in late and finally got up for coffee and a brunch snack. In to townfor a late lunch at Bloom Cafe - really tasty food and a cute setting! Itwas spitting rain and gusty wind so we sat inside. Down to The YellowCarrot to pick up cupcakes for dessert. To our house for good coffee madeat home (just the way we like it) and out to the patio for dessert.Delicious! We definitely could have split one. Soak in the hot tub, showertime, and then I hopped on the motorcycle and headed to the store to getthe last few days' deposits. Dropped those off, looped up on Rim Drive toenjoy the view, and headed to the studio. Two people at class - had fun andwrapped up just about 8 minutes over but they stayed longer, adding moredetails and continuing to work their paintings. Rode the motorcycle out toJeramiah's. I forgot to give Ashley the house key so she walked theproperty and then sat outside listening to her audio book.
2019: Relaxing morning, then watched church service. Headed intow town to pick upgas and some items. Home and lunch before heading out into the yard. Wemixed the rest of the soil for the garden and Ashley put it in place whileI mowed and weedeated. Yard looks a lot better! Ashley made burgers andcookies for a delicious supper. Then a bit of movie watching before bed.
2020: Spent the day at home. Ashley worked while Lily an I kept each othercompany. She didn't want to nap mid-day so after our walk she was extratired and had a really hard time falling asleep but finally did doze off. Igot the weekly garden tub re-planted. Read just a bit before bed.
2023: Up and finished packing, then I headed to Labcorp for a blood draw. Thenhome and we hit the road for a drive up to Colorado Springs. Everythingwent well. We ate on the way and only made two quick pit stops. Pulled intothe hotel and I ordered a pizza to be delivered while Ashley and Lilyheaded to the pool. Lily and I played in the water while Ashley headed backto meet supper, then eating and bedtime.
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