2017: Headed out from the BLM campground. Sad to leave as there's plenty more hiking and biking to do, but we're out of water and still have more to do. The visitor center as we return to Colorado has free water and dump station so we fill up on gas and water and empty everything else. How convenient!Stop for groceries, make phone calls to Mom and Tobey while we happen to have signal. Then we head into Black Canyon National Park. The campground has electricity and it's only $14 a night - since it's going to be cold we go for two nights.
2018: Woke early, too excited about the house to sleep. Kind of nice to have alonger morning to get ready in. Called Bob at the bank and got the processstarted there. Order arrived at work so spent the morning taking care ofthat. Bill (and Bob) came by and picked up the earnest money. He emailed alist of inspectors and Ashley and I called around and set an appointmentfor next Tuesday - I'll have to get someone to cover me for a couple ofhours. Wrapped up the day and home where we made pizza and enjoyed supper.Tired from poor sleep last night and early to bed.
2019: Work day. I covered the store for Kristen's birthday. Went for a walk aboutdowntown during my lunch break. Home and we walked around the lake thenmade supper (and lunch for tomorrow) and I got some paperwork done beforewrapping up for the evening.
2020: Headed into the store to wrap up the track light project (or at least thisphase of it and clean up my existing mess). Grabbed necessary stuff fromAce, for a variety of projects at home and at the store - including pipe tomake a PVC stick figure for some photo ops around town! Picked up groceriesas well. Headed home and took care of Lily for the evening to give Ashley abreak. Once she was asleep I put together all but the head of the stickfigure. Finished watching the landscape painting video before heading tobed.
2023: Everyone slept a bit late, since it was a late night getting to the hotelyesterday. Grabbed breakfast from downstairs at the hotel and then up tothe room to eat. We packed up and headed to the zoo for the morning. Wearrived early enough to get good parking and yet only had to wait a fewminutes before they opened. Great to be there at first opening, less crowdsand the morning was still cool so the animals were active. We watched thechimps be released into the pen and eat breakfast (including treats ofraisins in cups scattered around) and play with the paper towel rollscattered around the pen. I sketched a bit while we stopped to watch. Therewas a baby hippo getting sprayed off with a hose. We had a picnic in thegrassy area, saw the fuzzy goslings, and then went over to see theaquarium. By that point Lily was pretty tired so we rushed through andheaded back to the hotel for a rest time. Then lots of playing in the pooland hot tub before going out for supper at the Sawmill and back to thehotel for bed time.
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