2017: A bit later start than we intended, but it was still brisk when we hopped on our bicycles and pedaled back into the Petrified Forest. The visitor center was interesting and we spent the day riding further into the park,exploring the trails (forests) and displays. It was a lot of fun, felt great to be back on the bikes, and generally was just a great day. The badlands were cool, lots of color striations that we got to walk down among. Forgot to put on sunscreen so we got pretty toasty and, since we're out of practice, it was good to get off the bikes in the evening. Windy,hills, and elevation are our excuses, but we're out of practice, for sure. Beautiful day for a ride and we loved it!
2018: Work day, changed a bunch of stuff on the class schedule around. Home for abrief walk on the trails and then supper. Updated the Net Worth tracker.
2019: Made coffee and saw Ashley off to work then got some work done. Norma andJim slept late and we had a lazy morning. Got ready and headed out the doorwhen Ashley came back, off and running for Pagosa. She dropped us off atthe hot springs and we soaked for a few hours. Ashley wrapped up her visitsand came to join us for a couple more hours of soaking. Then we grabbedsupper at Riff Raff Brewing and headed home. Saw lots and lots of deer andelk on the way back - more than we've ever seen! Home and early to bed - wegot some sun!
2020: Slept in a touch late. Ashley and Lily facetimed with Norma. I went in tothe store and made two sales so at least a bit of cash coming in. Took downthe shop light that doesn't work great in the frame shop so I can replaceit with track lights. Then picked up some groceries and such on the wayhome. Added lights to the painting station - still need to tweak a hangingsystem but definitely progress.
2021: Work day. Took the motorcycle to enjoy the day. Had an SPR meeting. Headedhome early so that Ashley could have some time to herself. She went for awalk around the lake and read for a bit, enjoying the sunshine and warmafternoon.
2022: Nice to have company. I made pancakes, eggs and sausage for breakfast. Jimand I went to Durango - stopped by the store to check in and discuss thenew hours/days with Lauren, picked up some groceries and had lunch beforeheading home. We all went in to Bayfield after Lily's nap for time at theplayground at the park and then supper at Eepa's. Home and up late chattingafter Lily went to bed.
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