2017: Headed into Santa Fe to check out Meow Wolf, which was recommended by both Lisa and Karen. So glad we did! It's a 2000 ft art installation that was absolutely amazing! They've done an outstanding job of building a whole world, with sound, visual effects, textures and sensations, surprises, and more inside an old bowling alley. I loved it, and like the idea of working with them in some fashion. They're currently hiring, and if we were a bit closer to being done I'd apply. Back at the house, we ate and then I went for a stroll with Craig. Great day!
2018: Work day - got some more painting done on the Yosemite painting and thentime to get the store going. Slow day. Ashley locked herself out of houseso she walked to the library and after work I met her there and we walkedhome together. Quick supper and got some chores done for the evening.
2019: Ashley headed in to work and I set down to catch up on paperwork. Got taxinfo sent on to Bill and Carol, scanned and entered everything from thelast few weeks. Ashley came home and read for a bit before grabbing a nap(she had a headache). We headed back into town for small group at Sue andKeith's, which went really well. Then home for the night.
2020: Woke with a headache so stayed in bed late. Up finally and we got ready forthe appraiser to arrive. He did and we went for a walk while he was insidethe house. Lunch time and I got some work done. I couldn't get to sleep soup to read until early in the morning. Lily's doing a great job holdingherself up while sitting once we set her in place! She's also starting toeat more so we're trying to pay attention to that and make sure she hasenough. She's outgrown some of her clothes! Ashley received a few bags fullof clothes from a lady she knows from work so she sorted through those andwe've got a lot of clothes for the future. I think Lily already has moreclothes than I do. :D
2021: Slow morning, enjoying the last bit of Jackie's company. I dropped her offat the airport and headed to the store. Took care of stuff there beforepicking up some groceries and heading home in the evening. Read before bed.
2022: It's time to take away Lily's pacifier. So Lily helped us gift wrap them upin a box and put them on the porch for the quot UPS manquot to pick it up. Ashleyand Lily headed to the treehouse and I trimmed boards to start a pair ofquail tractors. Put away the pacifiers and rode the motorcycle to jointhem. Ashley grabbed lunch at the Pine Cone while Lily and I played. Thenwe all headed home. Lily took a bit of time to nod off to sleep with onlyone cry session (first without the pacy). I built the frame for the quail.Leftovers for supper. Read for a bit before heading to bed.
2023: Woke early so up and reading for a bit before anyone else stirred. Lilycame down while I was making coffee for the morning. I'm feeling muchbetter today. We prepped for our trip to Durango and gave Bexley a ride,too. Chatted over coffee, grabbed groceries, checked out the outdoorexchange, and walked on the river trial before picking up the girls to headhome. Lily and I both took long naps. Spent the afternoon playing andputtering around. I aired up my bike tires and took a couple of laps withLily and Bexley on our bicycles. Grilled up some BBQ chicken and asparagusfor supper. Then the community meeting. I listened on zoom and Ashley wentin person. Got Lily to bed and read for a bit before heading that way.
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