2017: reorganized/consolidated the todo lists, headed into town to take care ofsome chores, met Ashley for lunch and cruised by a condo for rent. Morechores at library and then met up for a walk and quick stop at AnimasBrewing (they have pasties!) before checking out the condo (we liked it andthe timing is about perfect) and then the house (Ashley loved it and we'retrying for that one) before heading home for quick minestrone and bed.
2018: Woke and grabbed a shower before heading into town to work on the mural. Afriend of the girls joined and the 4 of us made good progress filling inthe background colors. We all headed over to the farmer's market forbreakfast. I picked up some groceries there and at City Market and Walmartbefore heading back home. Ashley had taco stuffs going. She headed in toBayfield to drop off library books and picked up some folding chairs at theTrue Value customer appreciation day. I started working on the bed frameand got it most cut out so assembly time! Showered real quick and madesalsa before the Townsend crew showed up. Gave the tour then it was time toeat. We all meandered out to the back porch for watermelon and chatting.Walked around the lake and then it was time for them to head on. Greatevening with friends!
2019: Up and breakfast then headed in to the hardware store for customerappreciation day - got a 5 gal bucket and 25% off all of the things -perfect as we picked up a few odds-n-ends for the house. Then on toCoalBank Pass for a hike up to Engineer meadows. Snacked under some treesand enjoyed hte wildflowers and views, then meandered back down the trail.Grabbed a meal at Chainless and headed home for some movie watching.Finally finished the Avengers series!
2020: Up early with Lily and let Ashley sleep in a bit. Into town on themotorcycle to cover lunch. Rained in the afternoon so no late walk to thelake. Read a bit before bed.
2021: Breakfast with Ashley and Lily before heading to run the store. Juliaarrived and I took care of a few office chores. Then headed home a touchearly. After Lily went to bed Ashley and I watched a movie.
2022: Good night's sleep, so woke up feeling much better. Ashley went to yoga atthe library while Lily and I went to the treehouse. Fun to play (and watchher play). Ashley came to meet us, then I headed to the store. Interviewwith Tom about framing, Covered chores and tasks for the day (like themarquee sign) and finally headed toward Heartwood for the evening. Playedat the playground before the community dinner, then stayed chatting withLiam. Ashley and I chatted before heading to bed.
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