2017: Went into town and checked out the art festival. Saw a lot of neat stuff and picked up cards for some local artists to get in touch with. Then smiley Ca fe for a sandwich and wifi and then some quick groceries and home for the ev ening. Diced and froze our Hatches Chilis.
2018: Ashley woke before me and got a walk around the lake in. We headed to the8:00 church service - good to there in person! Brunch at College Drive Cafeand then home for the day. I finished dismantling the bench and shelving inthe garage and put up 4 of the wall panels - looking great! Forgot to grabthe table saw, though, so I'll have to rip the plywood for the cleatbrackets another day. Split some more firewood and supper on the picnictable and then a stroll around the lake before showering and heading tobed. Finished quot American Godsquot book. Ashley gardened and cleaned andputtered around in the yard and house throughout the day.
2019: Headed in to the store today - not feeling 100% but not bad. Definitelymoving slowly. Caught up with Robin and Lexis, covered Lexis' lunch, andfinished the Presale Profits class - lots of notes to process through! Homewhen Ashley was done for the day and read for a bit before heading to bed.
2020: Hung out with Lily for most of the day. Got the email and some work choresdone during her naps. Ashley worked in the basement most of the day. Lilyand I walked about the neighborhood in the morning. In the afternoon we allwent for a stroll along the greenway. Ashley's first visit there. Supperand a bit of an early bedtime for Lily. We worked on Ashley's milk necklace.
2021: Framing day, covering for Robin. I placed the order for the frame shop,worked on a couple of projects, helped Mia out, and generally kept busy allday.
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