2016: Made white-bean chili, worked on Christmas present for Ashley. Looked for sketch groups in the Fayetteville area.
2017: Couldn't get to sleep last night, so hard to get up this morning and have abit of a scratchy throat. Ashley dropped me off at work and met me forlunch. We walked over to Rice Monkeys - great good, but a bowl is way toobig - should have split them! Inventory progress at work, then home and anearly bed time for both of us.
2018: Early morning to get Ashley to work car for 8 am Pagosa meeting. Snowing dur ing the morning so everyone was driving super slowly. Roads were fine, howev er. Dropped her off and in to the office to get some work done before meetin g with Jeramiah. We headed to Smiley Cafe for second half of meeting. great c onversation and covered a lot of biz ground. Back to work in the frame shop. I ran and picked up cheesecake before picking Ashley up and heading to her C hristmas party. We enjoyed that, great food. Then home and early to bed
2019: After a leisurely morning (and a touch of fresh snow) we headed intoDurango and ran some errands. Checked out the outdoor exchange, coffee andchatting at the Hermosa Roasters (discussed plans for 2020) and walkedabout downtown. Lunch at Cypress - really tasty! Then picked up shelfcomponents from the store and took them home. I emptied the leaves from thetrailer. We had pie and ice cream. Then I set up the shelf unit in thegarage and tidied up just a bit before we watched a movie and headed towardbed.
2020: Ashley's last day of work! She headed to the office and Lily and I hung outfor the day. We took a drive into Bayfield and I grabbed ice cream and somethings at the hardware store. Still can't quite get the 3d printer runningright. Ashley had a headache when she came home so she went to be early andI putzed around for the evening.
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