2017: Slept in late before packing up. I called and left an interview recording fo r Productive Power and we left for Voodoo Donuts. Very fun (if a long line) a nd then we hit the road back to Durango. Could see the Sand Dunes across the valley, which was fun. Home and dropped off the rental car before heading h ome for the night.
2018: Woke a bit early and had leftovers for breakfast. We headed out on thebikes, up to Silverton for gas after stopping at Molas. Then to Ouray forlunch and postcards for Mom. Back toward home ahead of the rain clouds.Everyone is pooped so nice to hang out in the living room and just chat forthe evening. Finished reading the Finnish book.
2019: Work day - the order finally arrived. Took care of some chores and cleanedup a few odds-n-ends about the store. Home for supper and had a packagefrom Norma/Brittney waiting for us. Lots of stuffed animals, more books,and some more clothes. Reading before bed - it's fun to go through the kidsbooks that we grew up with as we read out loud before bed.
2020: Lily and I drove into Bayfield and walked around downtown a bit. Nice,uneventful trip - couldn't have asked for a better first drive byourselves! Went for a walk around the lake after Lily's nap. Ashley had aheadache all day so she grabbed a nap during our walk. I made quiche fortomorrow's staff meeting. Don Walker was in the area and arrived to use ourplace as a base camp.
2021: Hung out with Lily and Ashley before heading in to the fair for the day.Judging happened and got the awards hung. I finished a lily painting inLily's accordion notebook. Made some progress on Tobey and Hassel'sportrait. Home to see Ashley then read for a bit before bed time.
2022: Ashley and I both slept poorly last night. I woke at the regular time andgot Lily up, letting Ashley get ready for the day. After breakfast theyheaded out to drop off trash and get a free second carseat for the Jeep. Iheaded to the fair for the day. Afterward I ran home and topped off thequail's water before heading to the cohousing community to help house sit.Tired, but nice to see a straw bale house.
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