2017: Slow start to the morning. Read and enjoyed the view at the ranch before hav ing a late brunch and then hiking up to the high cliff in the adjacent BLM l and. After lunch and naps Craig and I went and worked on water tanks and rep lanted a couple saplings. Then it was supper time and reading before bed.
2018: Ashley had the day off so I enjoyed a relaxed morning at home before ridingin to work. Pretty slow day (Labor day) so got a lot of paperwork and suchdone - some for ASH and some for F-H Inc. Headed home for a tasty supper.Looked at a monthly dating box with Ashley and signed up for the next oneas a test. Read for just a bit before bed.
2019: Work day. Home and made pizza for supper, plus prepped chicken soup in thecrockpot for tomorrow. Read for a bit before heading to bed.
2020: Fed Lily breakfast and then put her to bed before heading in to work.Ashley and Lily came into town for a walk along the river trail withLauren. They stopped by the store for Lily's meal and to visit with me.Everyone got to see Lily and that was a nice treat in the day. They headedhome. Kristen picked up Thai food for our lunches. Nice change of pace! Igot prepped for the bookkeeper tomorrow and roughly put out the yarn to getthat process started tomorrow. Off to Walmart to pick up groceries beforeheading home for the evening.
2021: Nice to be home for a second day in a row! We spent much of the day in thekitchen and made great progress - canned the rest of the tomato sauce(about 12 more pints), prepped green beans for the freezer and finallyblanched the zucchini for the freezer from last week. Rachel, Thaddeus andSilas stopped by for a visit (cut short when Thaddeus missed his dad). Madebeans and rice in the pressure cooker (love that thing already!) and Ashleymade a rhubarb and berry crisp. The babysitter arrived and we went toWeminuche Grill for supper - nice to have time just the two of us withouthaving to watch Lily. Home and a bite of the crisp before heading to bed.
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