2017: Tired day. Got some resumes sent in at the library, lunch with Ashley atthe park, and then to Smileys for a caffeinated pick-me-up in the afternoonto get some more work done. Met after work for a stroll around downtown,picked up some fresh-roasted coffee from the Durango Coffee Roasters, andheaded home Mrs. Grass and popcorn for supper.
2018: Went in a bit early to be at the grant meeting for the mural project andwas awarded it! Over to work for the day. Got some new category signscompleted. Kristen came in for the afternoon and did a great job. Preppedfor tomorrow's framing order, since I'll be in charge of it by myself. Lateday, between customers and training. Then home with a walk around the lakebefore supper then reading before bed.
2019: Up with the alarm and on to work. Still tired but made it through the day.A couple of smoldering fires to put out at the store - lunch with Robin andKristen to chat about an issue that popped up. Ate at 11th Street Stationand grabbed dessert from Cream Bean Berry for everyone at the store.Changed out the sign and then on home for supper and an early bed time.
2020: Up early and spent some time with Lily before heading in to work. Droppedoff trash and found a little wood chest that just needed a couple of tweaksto be in great shape so I nabbed that. Got the chest fixed and made goodprogress in the frame shop. Norma and Jim stopped by the store while theywere running errands. Home, supper, and chatting before bed.
2021: Up early and read for just a bit before everyone else woke up (Ashley and Iboth took forever to get to sleep last night). After eating we drove to thehighschool and hooked up the bicycle trailer for a ride around Bayfield.Played at the playground and checked out the garden at the library - lotsof apricots ripe and available and Lily really enjoyed it. Then home andlunch and nap time. I tuned up my bicycle and got my mountain bike workingby trading out parts from one of the freebies. Ashley started strippingpaint off the chairs for the Treehouse and took care of some other choresaround the house. We went into town for supper and third time was a charm.Too long of a wait at Bottom Shelf so we tried Tequilas. Apparently theyforgot about us so we had our drink and chips and left. Then grabbed foodat the Pine Cone and ate it at the Library. More apricots for dessert. Thenhome and a bit of reading before heading to bed.
2022: Still not feeling amazing, but good to be home. Ashley and Lily went andgrabbed groceries.
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