2017: After Ash left for work I made chili and consolidated some notes. Whilemaking salad for lunch tripled up so have lunches prepped for tomorrow.Then into town to Smiley's Cafe and enjoyed a coffee while applying forjobs. Got a few more resumes sent in and heard back from Tarpley's RV,scheduled a meeting with the owner, Brad, for tomorrow morning. Met Ashleyat the library when she got off work for some chores and then headed homefor the evening.
2018: Work day. Tweaked the sketch easel a bit more. Placed the frameshop orderand went to teach the watercolor class. Ash got done on time so she restedin the car till I wrapped up. Still not feeling good with a head cold, sowe headed straight home. I went for a walk around the lake. One of thehouses has a hummingbird feeder and there were at least 20 of them buzzingaround it!
2020: Got to sleep in a bit, so that was nice. Had a cramp in my right shouldermost of the day, though, so that was less than fun. Spent the day withAshley and Lily. I sat with Lily during a couple of naps so I got somevideos watched and took a short nap myself. Ashley got some chores donearound the house and went into Bayfield and picked up a few things on herlist. I made veggie soup and cleaned up a lot of the fridge then madestuffed chicken for supper. We chatted and watched an episode of Psychbefore heading to bed.
2022: We all slept in just a bit late. Then breakfast and playing. Lily was readyto head to the Treehouse and Ashley had volunteered to help with the parentlounge time. I did some chores for the day and headed to work after theyleft. Grabbed a suitcase from goodwill on the way to the store. Day full oferrands and chores, but pretty productive! Home and Ashley headed to herlifecoaching class (perfect day exercise) while Lily and I wound down forthe evening. Ashley got home after bed time, we chatted and read beforeheading to bed.
2023: I woke a bit early and it was nice to have a bit of time in the morning. Into work to open the store. Ashley and Lily came in and I met them at themidwife's office (Joy of Life) for an introductory meeting. Everythingsounded good and we agreed to go ahead with using them for a homebirth.Lily didn't want to wake up from her nap and come in so it was quite aprocess for Ashley. They visited at the store for a few minutes. I changedthe sign, gave Kristen the rest of her lunch break, and came home. We atean early supper and then Ashley left for the evening while I got Lily readyfor and into bed. Then reading before bed myself.
2023: At the midwife appointment we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! That's socool!
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