2017: Basically a stay at home day. Bailee, Ashley and I went grocery shopping. Iworked on website some more and started setting up society6 store. Ashleymade shrimp scampi over top of zoodles - delicious! We watched Beauty andthe Beast again so that Britt could see it.
2018: Worked in the frame shop most of the day - making good progress! Walked toSmiley's for a quick lunch sandwich. Home afterward and packed up most ofthe random things still left out before heading to bed.
2019: Work day. Kristen had a tooth removed and made it in late, but then I senther home early. I closed and went to pick up Ashley. We grabbed pasties atAnimas Brewing and then headed home. WAtched a movie and headed to bed.
2020: Lazy morning and had brunch of blueberry pancakes and bacon. Pretty tasty!Then Gary and I got to work on the window trim. It took until supper but wegot them all done! It took most of the long boards from the garage and onlyone new board so I will be able to return those to Home Depot. Looks a lotbetter and I'm really glad we got it done - it was also really nice to haveGary helping. Not only with advice and an extra set of hands but also tonot have to run up and down the ladder so often. Then pizza from Mr. Woodsand delicious supper. Early bed time for everyone!
2021: We all woke extra early. Ashley headed to the farm to help out for a bit.Lily and I went for a walk around the lake after breakfast, spent some timeat the playground, and headed home for a snack. Then in to the TreeHouse topass some more time. Basically had the place to ourselves for most of themorning, and there were new toys to play with! We headed home (a randomlady on the sidewalk said how cute Lily was while we were headed to theJeep) and Lily fell asleep on the way. She woke up when I parked so we hada quick snack and then Ashley arrived. I headed out to the store for theafternoon. Watched the MacP webinar, lunch, and generally took care of somechores for the week. Home and Ashley had pizza ready. After Lily went tobed we chatted for a bit on the back porch then read before bed.
2023: Called SWAG to get a quote on tractor tire replacement for the PAT team.Then in to work for the day and got a bunch of next week's chores done sothat everything is covered during vacation. Changed the marquis sign. Homeand the Ponderosa was full, between visitors and company. Great potlucksupper. Ashley helped with dishes so Lily and I went home and got ready forbed.
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