2017: Motorcycled back into Mesa Verde for the tour of Balcony House. Really enjoy ed it! Our guide, David Night Eagle was really funny and played a tune on the wooden flute he hand-crafted. Very cool! Afterward we headed east, into Ut ah and spend the night at a truck stop. Took 3 tries to find somewhere that refills built-in propane tanks!
2018: Drove up to Vallecito for a stroll along the trail. Found ourswimming/cooling down spot/slip-n-slide from the hike and just enjoyedlistening to the river for a bit. Then back into Vallecito town for lunchat one of the restaurants - really enjoyable and made us think of BuzzardRock. Home for a bit and then out for ice cream, ate at the park behindCity Market and a walk along the river trail before heading home for theevening.
2019: Work day. I cut apart the pallets from orders so they'd fit in the trunkand brought 3 halves home to stack firewood on. At home I worked onrebuilding the stone wall by the garage - slow going but it looks a lotbetter! Beef and egg tacos for supper - really tasty! Read before bed.
2020: Up to feed Lily in the morning. Then spent most of the day with her,including twice holding her during naps (so lots of reading and youtubevideos watched). Ashley worked. Lily and I went for a walk to check themail. I received the payroll grant money so called everyone to let themknow they're back on payroll as of tomorrow. Started digitally puttingtogether portraits from Tobey's wedding photos.
2021: Leisurely morning at home before heading to work. Marquee sign day. 3Springs zoom call. Kristen headed out and I closed the store.
2022: In to work early to meet the frame delivery and get ready for next week.Evanne dropped Sawyer off while she took Lettie to the doctor. I left workearly and took one more trip to the hot springs to use the punch pass -still have punches left but they extended them out for a month. Ashley andLily weren't getting along so I rushed home to watch Lily and let Ashleyget out of the house for a bit. Over supper had a good time all together.Read for a bit before bed.
2023: Work party this morning - made a huge dent in the workshop. Lots of goodprogress all around. Grabbed lunch at the common house and then headed towork on the motorcycle. Home to clean up a bit and on to BSB for dad'snight. Liam and I headed to BSB and Chris joined us eventually. Nice to sitand chat over a meal, then home to wind down the day.
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