2017: Interviews at limo company and 4 Corners tire. The tire sounds like it has a lot of potential and might be interesting - as the shop foreman. Quick lunc h with Ash and then laundry and home to load the bicycles. Picked up her fre e Starbucks drink and went for a bicycle ride on the river trail. Then suppe r at Animas Brewing and home.
2018: Nice relaxing morning before heading in to work to be a framer for the day.Day went pretty quickly and smoothly and a really tasty lunch (leftoversfrom The Yellow Carrot). Home and Ashley had porkchops ready - delish anddelightful meal to enjoy outside on the picnic table. Watched the Mr.Rogers documentary - Won't You Be My Neighbor? Delightful and a greatreminder of humanity in general.
2019: Fun to have cheesecake for breakfast. Strolled around the lake and thenback home. Tried out a new recipe - browned butter, walnuts and spinachomelettes. Very tasty! Made chicken broth and took care of some choresaround the house. Steak and veggies for supper. Movie and reading beforebed.
2020: With a cold front and storms moving in it's all smokey and the temperaturehas dropped. I picked up Jackie at the airport and we headed back to thehouse. Lily took to Jackie fairly quickly - that was nice to see. Hung outat home together for the evening.
2021: We had cereal for breakfast - quick, easy, and something different. Workingday - Holly ended up with a cold so I covered Kristen's lunch and closedthe store. Evanne and Sawyer came over just as I was leaving - they broughtpeaches from their tree so I got to have one of those before Lily ate mostof them. Hung the sign, Cindy came in and caught up on bookkeeping, andgenerally a pretty productive day. Home and had tacos for supper. We readfor a bit before heading to bed.
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