2017: stayed up late last night, talking, so slept in late this morning. After a delicious breakfast with Jack and Arlene we headed east to St. Augustine on the motorcycle. Walked on the beach, checked out the lighthouse, walked around Old Town and the fort (didn't realize our parks pass would come in handy so didn't get to go in) and then headed back. Arlene's not feeling well so Jack cooked salmon for supper - delicious!
2018: Received Home Depot materials quote - it's way lower than the other two butmuch less organized so I've got to really figure with it to compare themall directly. Spoke with Chad at Trailer Made - sounds like the way to gowith the trailer and also am curious about the metal framing, so will beputting together a request for that to get a quote and see how it compareswith the rest of the framing options.
2019: In to work early - the drive is way faster without having to deal with snowand traffic! Got a good chunk of work done on taxes and data entry inquickbooks. Helped in the frame shop - it was a busy day! Home with our boxof 6 wine bottles in hand and tried one of them with supper. Read just abit before an early bedtime.
2020: Lily was up rather a bunch through the night so not great sleep aftermidnight. We were up and made it in to church for the traditional 11:00service - first time we've been to that one. Sat in the family room so noworries about disruptions. Then lunch at Unchained before heading home. Iworked in the garage a bit, building tool organizers and generally piddlingaround. Then supper and early bed time for everyone.
2023: Went to the Treehouse in the morning - all in the Jeep. I worked in thelounge while Ashley and Lily went to tumbling tots. Dropped them off athome and then in to the store - sign day and some other chores.
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