2017: Cold night, but slept great with the electric heater running. Craig took the car keys with him out of habit, and the breeze was too chilly for bicycle ride, and the motorcycle's front tire is pretty low so we ended up spending the day in the house reading. After supper we all went to REI and then had a quick tour of the downtown area - lots for us to go and explore tomorrow!
2018: Went to work early and watercolored for about an hour while I had it tomyself. Order arrived early so got that put away post-haste. At lunch I atefast and got about 40 minutes of watercoloring in while sitting on theriver bank - that was really nice. Home from work and we put togetherstuffed meatloaf and baked veggies for supper - Delish!
2019: Ashley made banana-cakes for breakfast and we all sat around, enjoyingcoffee and the morning. We took a walk around the pond and back then hungout on the porch for a bit, just chatting and enjoying the view. Then weran into town for a late lunch at Steamworks. Delicious! Way too much food.We headed home and watched some shows on netflix and then played a fewrounds of Rummikub before finally heading to bed.
2020: Up for a bit before watching church service online. We walked out in theyard a bit, 10 crocuses blooming! (later only 1 left, darn deer). Ashleyraked leaves and collected pine needles for a bit. I applied for a payrollprotection loan through the SBA, refinance for the biz loan and housemortgage. Whew! Read a bit before bed.
2021: Norma and Jim picked up Jackie from the airport. I grabbed groceries andpicked up the child carrier backpack. Had an SPR Meeting with Norma. Afterputting Lily to bed, Ashley and I went for a date to Bottom Shelf Brewery.Great to sit and chat, uninterrupted.
2022: Jim and I headed to the hot springs for a great morning. Then lunch atCarvers and a brief stop at the store to check in and take care of somechores before heading home. Beans and rice for supper - delish!
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