2016: Sketched the nieces for Norma's Christmas present. Dropped Ashley off at work. Chatted with the neighbors. Cleaned the handle for the bathroom sink to get rid of the squeek.
2018: In early to work - filmed some for the website video. Walked up and downmain, looking for Ashley's stocking stuffers - found some things, but notwhat I actually started out looking for. Back to the store and just keptbusy all day. Ashley wasn't feeling good when she came to pick me up so wegrabbed some Mrs. Grass from the grocery store and headed home. Supper andrelaxed on the couch before bed.
2019: Slept in a bit late then had banana cakes for breakfast. I dropped off the t rash and headed in to work, in the Jeep so Ashley could get outbid she wants . Finished the big horse frame, looks good and glad to get it done - biggest frame I E2 80 99ve made so far. Picked up groceries and headed home. White c hili for supper then we hopped in the Jeep and toured the neighborhood, look ing for Christmas lights. Ashley likes her first ride in the Jeep and it was fun to go chasing lights.
2020: I spent much of the day at the store to be available as needed. Mom andGary drove up so they were at the house when I got home. I test drove anOutback and a Forester. Not bad! Plus I got a $50 visa gift card out of it.
2021: All of the Christmas framing is done! Helped in the store a bit but got toleave a bit early.
2022: Mary Jane and Doin came over for supper. Great to visit with them. Theybrought Lily a birthday gift - a dry-erase work book that she's reallyloving.
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