2016: Ashley stayed up late and we went out for motorcycle practice. Looped around the parking lot at a nearby church building then went to the movie theater and used their lot for practice shifting gears. Still need to practice sudden stops, then I think she'll be ready to get out and just ride around the subdivisions near us for comfort practice. Watched Independence Day Resurgence and cooked supper. Read before bed.
2017: But of an odd day. Dropped Ashley off at work, picked up her 2018 calendarrefill pack and home for breakfast and some reading. Ran to drop off angeltree item at the church building and picked up some library books beforeheading to the Art Supply House. Helped Leslie man the store till Jeramiahgot there in the frame shop and finally Kaylee made it in after meetingwith the plumber. Waited for the shipment to arrive but it never came. Tooka late lunch break and met Ashley. We talked and walked around down-townfor a bit before calling it on the shipment and heading home. She hadcharting to catch up on so kept busy with that. I got a haircut and wechanged to head to her work Christmas party at the Elks. Enjoyed that andstopped at Ernie's for a drink and chatting more before heading home forthe night.
2018: In to work for the day. Bounced back and forth between the frame shop andthe store, helping with the order and such. Howard's daughter drove up fora surprise visit and to see his show. I bought one of his prints (in tradefor store credit) and will get that framed. Picked up a few things from thegrocery store and headed home. Ashley was putting together pizzas and wedid about half of our date - made homemade icecream apple cider floats.Pretty tasty! Looked through wedding DVD's together - great memories, hadforgotten some of the details!
2019: Stayed up late reading and waiting for Ashley to get home. Slept in just atouch late. Spent a slow day at home - it was snowing. Watched more of theportrait painting video course (part with Ashley) and read for a bit. Wehad our at-home date together. Cooked for a bit, Ashley baked cookies whileI shoveled snow. Didn't go get our Christmas tree as planned, but that's ok.
2020: Working lunch with Robin to discuss a SWOT analysis at 11th Street Station.Home for the evening. Busy day and knocked a bunch off the todo list.
2021: In to work by open to meet the bookkeeper to get caught up. I hung themarquee sign while she worked away. Just over 2 hours later and she wasdone. I sent the file on to Bill for a review before the end of the year.After a few more chores I headed to the hot springs. It was cold and snowyand cloudy and not many people there so a great time to hang out in a poolby myself! Then switched between the hot and cold pools a few times beforewrapping up. Grabbed BBQ for supper, ice cream as a surprise, and headedhome. Helped Lily to bed, prepped for tomorrow's window install, then icecream and watched some Seinfeld before heading to bed.
2022: Long day at the store, trying to figure out what happened to the registerand credit card terminal. Made it home just in time to help Lily to bed.Grabbed supper (Ashley made chicken pot pie) and read for a bit beforeheading to bed.
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