2017: Cold bicycle ride this morning! Finished checking in yesterday's order atthe Art Supply House and then worked on inventory. At lunch I went andsketched the river trail - came our very abstract, kind of like it. Moreinventory and then home. Kristy came over and gave us goodies from theirAfrica trip! Biltong, coffee, and some sweets. Supper, we watched some TEDtalk videos and then I researched the CLF and SalesForce a bit beforereading in bed.
2019: In to work - bounced between the frame shop and the art store. Changed outthe sign - definitely a cooler day! Ashley had a meeting at church, then weheaded home. First fire and pellet stove lighting of the year! Read acouple of kids books, watched Ashley's belly bounce from the inside!
2020: In to the store for part of the day. Holly's doing well. She and Kristenworked on putting out the order for most of the day. I left about 3 andheaded home for the afternoon. Nice to spend the afternoon and evening withLily and Ashley!
2021: Woke early and got coffee started. Everyone in the house started waking upand slowly stirring. Norma and Jim made breakfast. Jim worked on thebonfire and helped me cut branches off the crabapple to toss in there. Iwas pretty tired and joined Lily during her nap. Kelsey took the nieces outfor fun in the afternoon. Tobey and Hassel stopped by for a couple ofhours. Norma heated up a ham for supper. We all ate and hung out in theevening.
2022: We woke pretty early (and Gary wasn't far behind). He headed toDraffenville for an appointment while we fixed breakfast and got ready forthe day. Walked around the ponds then loaded up with Mom, picked up Tobey,and went to explore the park. Lots of fun there, then dropped Tobey off andlunch before nap time. Short nap, but apparently good enough. Mom took uson a grocery run and picked up more stuff for the week. Prepped supper -burgers and chicken thighs on the grill, roasted butternut squash, salad,brussel sprouts, and apple slices. Tobey and Hassel joined us for supperthen hung out until bath time. Then bedtime and chatting/reading beforeeveryone followed.
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