2017: after lunch I headed in to the library for a bit of job hunting. Onepreliminary response from Purgatory resort. Back home for supper when Ashgot off work, in to town to pick up a shop vac and then cleaned out underthe cabinets - found mouse that was smelling.
2018: Woke a bit early. Made coffee and chatted some before starting on chores.Cleaned most of the house together, then moved outside and hauled off theslash piles (three trips with the trailer behind the RV) and worked in thegarden for a bit, pulling weeds. We emptied the compost bin (some in thegarden and some in the new tree stump planter) and then we headed into townfor a bit of shopping. Didn't take long at either the Dollar Tree or FamilyDollar, so back home we went. I went to work on the motorcycle brakes.Seems like the front pads are too thick so I eventually put the old onesback on. Changed out the rear and checked most of the gears - everythinglooks good on the drive-shaft. Need to get the wheels balanced, but that'llhave to be Monday. Shower and then reading for the evening.
2019: Woke a bit early and read with coffee till Ashley woke up. Made an eggscramble for breakfast. Read for a bit more - Ashley read me month 5 in theWhat to Expect book. Ashley baked cookies and then we headed to the grocerystore for some ingredients and we cooked and prepped. She made salmon,squash and salad for supper and I made bbq sauce, prepped french onionsoup, and prepped beef bourguignon. Read a bit before bed.
2020: Lily had a good nap by herself first thing this morning but didn't want tosleep mid-day for anything. Eventually Ashley got her to sleep and she andI napped together for a bit. Then she woke and wouldn't calm down for me soAshley watched her the rest of the nap. I got some chores done around thehouse - Norma and Jim went into town for some errands and brought a bananasplit back for me! Lily played in her box in the evening and ateblueberries (for the 3rd time) for supper. Porkchops for supper!
2021: Lily's liking her new potty and at least tries to use it. We've got a longway to go but it's a great way to start! I put together the shelves in thegarage - hopefully this is the long-term solution to a system. It's lookinggood, but I think I should swap the sets from left to right to make it feelmore open and light up better.
2022: I went and picked up two heritage apple trees from the Pine River Shares.They look good - just need to get them planted. Lily's definitely restlessand ready to get out and about. I'm feeling better, just a bit low onenergy and have a cough. We switched out mattresses from the bedroom andthe basement - working on converting the basement in to our bedroom.
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