2017: Chilly morning, but the bicycle ride in to the Art Supply House was warmenough. Shipment came in today so got to working on that. After a quicklunch went out to draw but it was spitting rain so over to Durango CoffeeRoasters for a drink and sketched/painted some inside before time was up.Only seat available was the little school desk - much more comfortableafter I thought to straddle the desk part. Didn't get the new stuff outbefore I had to leave. Pedaled home and we left for Amanda's for ElkBurgers for supper. Delicious supper and really enjoyed our time togetherwith their family. Home, reading and then bed.
2018: In to work. The order didn't arrive but made some progress with store adminstuff while waiting. Ashley made it home safely, so I picked her up at theairport and we headed home. Great to have her back! Feels like home,properly, again!
2019: In to work - framing day, covering for Robin. Met Ashley and headed toMidwives - listened to heartbeat again! Ashley passed her glucose test.Then a tour of the birthing center, pretty nice and helpful to see it. Thengrabbed burgers at Backcountry Gourmet before back to work. Ashley wenthome and packed up some of RV for the trek to Kentucky and finished takingapart the garden. She picked me up and we went to the Graveson's for smallgroup - great to visit with everyone! Home and quickly to bed. Alarm worksmuch better with the display muted.
2021: This entry should have been for 10-8, and the one for 10-8 should have beenfor today.We packed up and headed over to Norma and Jim's. Lily's feeling better butstill not great. Matt and Britt and crew arrived. We had chili and veggisoup for supper. Pretty tasty! Chatted and hung out.
2022: Up and breakfast time. Chatted and Lily played with Britt while we packedup. Headed out about 11 to Mayfield - got to Mom and Gary's house but theyweren't home, so we parked and they pulled in a few minutes later. Mom wasthoroughly surprised to see us! (Success!) Lunch and then Lily napped inthe RV. Mom, Ashley and Lily went for a walk around the ponds while Garyand I got everything leveled and set up. Lily really liked seeing Gabby andthe neighbor's cows and calves. We went out for Mexican for supper, Tobeyand Hassel came to join us. Back to the house and bed for Lily (and Ashley)while Mom, Gary and I stayed up longer.
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