2017: Spent the morning at Smiley Cafe and then picked up Ashley from a short work day. We ate at the Mediterranean cafe and really enjoyed it. Perished the o utdoor exchange and then headed to Fox Fire Winery in Ignacio for some live m usic by the Lisa Blue Trio.
2018: Woke early to hike up Engineer Mtn. The closer we got, however, the less wecould see. It started spitting rain on us just before getting to Purgatoryso we turned around (lightning and all that) and headed in to DurangoCoffee for some snacks and more coffee. Ashley read for a bit while Iplayed with the new travel paint set. A couple of my paints didn't dry butotherwise I really liked working with it. Would be great out in the field.Walked about downtown for a bit, checking out Maria's and then the farmer'smarket then the thirft store, ReStore, and Outdoor Exchange (I picked up ashirt and pair of pants). Looks like rain all day so we headed home forlunch and a nap - not going to mural today. Reading and movies in theafternoon for a nice, relaxing day overall.
2019: Slept in a bit late at the ranch. I made banana cakes and Ashley puttogether bacon for breakfast. Then we wandered about the ranch looking atthe ponds - looks like they're converting to wetlands - holding water anddifferent (new) plants appearing! Craig and I worked in the hanger for abit - putting together shelves and poking through the horse trailer. Thenlunch and naps. I whittled out a fox and a squirrel (which I think stillneeds some work) before supper. After eating Karen surprised us with a piefor Ashley's birthday! Watched a movie before heading to bed, far laterthan normal.
2020: Watched Lily all day while Ashley worked. We went for two walks around theneighborhood. Asparagus soup for supper and read for a bit before bed.
2021: Breakfast together before I headed to the store for the day. It rained allday, nice and gentle but steady. Home and read for a bit before bed.
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