2016: Went to the coffee shop to use the faster internet there - went from 23 hours to go down to about 40 minutes. Came home, cooked supper and took Ashley to work. Picked up a couple of redbox movies and watched them while coming up with a list of questions for 2017. Think it's time for a new set, so searching and brainstorming.
2017: Went in to work early and filmed some product videos, got them uploaded andscheduled during the rest of the day. Also scheduled the first email fornext year. Made origami cranes throughout the day. Home a bit early. Outfor supper with Jeff and Kristy - enjoyed conversation with just the two ofthem, plus got to ride in the Tesla and check out a new restaurant.
2018: In to work, slowly, as it had snowed a few inches and was still comingdown! Finished placing the order, worked on a frame project, etc. OnceHoward got back from lunch Kristen and I went to Tequila's for lunch torecap the year and Christmas - good feedback and plans for 2019 from thatconvo. Then back to the shop, packed up, and finally headed toward home.Roads were much better. Ashley was wrapping up painting in the bathroom forthe day - she got more than half of it done but will need more paint.Looking great!
2019: Slept in late, almost 8:30. Stayed home all day, semi productive and semirelaxing - basically just hanging out with Lily and Ashley. I cleaned up inthe garage, from the roof snow splitter project and a couple of other,smaller projects. Also hung up the extra sheet of paneling on the ceilingto get it out of the way on the floor. Haircut, did some cooking in theevening - mac-n-cheese with beef and veggies. Finished setting up an emailfor Lily so that we can send her thoughts and momentos over time. Read forjust a bit before bed.
2020: Woke to snow. Shoveled a bit and then off to Lily's one-year checkup. Shedid great, though she didn't like getting the three shots of the day. Homefor the rest of the day. I shoveled the driveway and Ashley cleared thedecks. We made steaks in the sous vide and they turned out great! Read fora bit before bed.
2021: Lily and Ashley packed up and headed to Santa Fe to spend time with Craigand Karen. I headed to the store after they left and worked on inventoryfor the end of the year. Stayed late and got a big chunk of it done.
2022: Snowed last night, about 4 inches. So cleared the porches and vehicles. Hadsomeone come and clear the driveway. Then I was off to work for the day.Home for supper and bed time.
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