2017: Drove into New Orleans and parked at welcome center beside French Quarter. Walked to Dooky Chase for an amazing creole meal - Ash had beans and rice while I enjoyed everything on the buffet. They had better art on the walls than I've seen in some galleries! Thoroughly stuffed, we walked around the French Quarter - down Bourbon Street (and across Toulouse) and just around the area. Eventually we headed back to the RV and continued on up the road. Ran into heavy rain and pulled into a Cabelas to wait but headed further up the road before stopping.
2018: Sketched at Durango Coffee before walking over for work.
2019: In to work early as Ashley has an early Pagosa visit. so I caught up onsome stuff at the office while I had it to myself and thenheaded over tomett with Jeramiah and Corbit. Good meeting, then Jeramiah and I had lunchat The Palace, right next to the train station. Not a bad deal for lunch!Changed the sign and got a walk in down at the river trail. Home for theevening and early bed time.
2020: Slept upstairs and fed Lily throughout the night so Ashley could just pumpand rest. Lily and I slept in late and Ashley brought breakfast in bed.What a nice treat! We spent the morning at home - went for a walk to thelake. Grabbed some groceries in Bayfield and I chopped a bunch of stuff upso we could get ready for the lady's book club tomorrow. Finished watchingParks and Rec before heading to bed.
2022: Ashley slept poorly. We had breakfast and generally hung out today. Thesnow clearer came and took care of the driveway for us. I worked on a bunchof little house projects that had been piling up around the housethroughout the day. At the end of the day Ashley helped me assemble the bedframe, so it's ready to trade out for the crib, tomorrow! Ashley madestuffed meatloaf, asparagus and potatoes for supper. We chatted and readfor a bit before heading to bed.
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