2017: Went into town (this and yesterday's posts need switched) to get some chores done. Found the Blue Elk Coffee House in Elkton and enjoyed a siphon Coffee . Fun to watch and delicious coffee! The owner has some friends who live in a truck camper and we got to meet Jordan, one of them! He had a meeting so we headed next door to a diner for lunch then back to chat with a fellow nomad for a few hours before heading back home for the evening.
2018: Up to take care of the animals and then headed in to town. Dropped Ashleyoff and headed to our house for a soak in the hot tub and quick nap whilethe laundry ran. In to the store and studio to cover classes. No one showedfor the painting, Sam and I drew outside on the back patio area. Ran topick up Ashley and we snagged some slices from Homeslice for supper beforedropping me back off for the paint party. 5 people showed - it ran late butwe had a good time. Back to Jeramiah's for bed (with the sound machine todrown out the dogs).
2019: Leisurely morning then headed to Farmington to pick up a mower from Lowes(yay for all of the gift cards we'd collected!) and then ice cream at theVanilla Moose. Meandered home and put the mower together then spent theafternoon reading and watching movies. Nice, relaxing day.
2020: Before Ashley and Lily got moving I hauled off the trailer of pine needles.Watched Lily all day while Ashley worked, mostly out on the back porch. Weall went for a walk after Ashley wrapped up. Quick drive into Bayfield fora sunday and excuse to get out. Home and got Lily to bed then had meatloaffor supper on the back porch. Read a bit before bed.
2021: Working day. Met with Jeramiah for coffee and we chatted for a bit. HelpedRobin with some of the big frames. Lost track of time and missed theDirectional Team meeting. Home for supper. After Lily went to bed Ashleyand I went into town for ice cream and a bit of a drive to explore a newforest road while Norma watched Lily. Nice to be out by ourselves. Thenhome and off to bed.
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