2017: Headed north toward Moab. Spotted a bike shop on the way and pulled in. They not only had a motorcycle tire available but an empty lift so I pulled the bike around and it wasn't long before we were fixed and on our way. In town we picked up groceries and over lunch looked for camping options. We hit the road and checked out BLM campgrounds along the Colorado river. The first few were full but we found a spot, settled in, and hopped on the motorcycle to head back through town and into Arches National Park. The visitor center was closed, but we headed on to The Windows for some hiking(double arch is pretty cool!) and then it was nearly time to head out(they're doing road work so the park's only open from 7-7). Got to watch the sun set over the red mountains back at the RV.
2018: Didn't sleep well last night. Woke early - Ashley was feeling better afterlast night's headache but still not 100%. She decided to take a mentalhealth day. I headed out early to give Leslie a ride in. Pretty drive butthat's a long round trip. Ash pedaled in before lunch and we walked over tomeet with Bill and review the offer contract. Ate lunch at Grass Burger andthen back to the shop where we digitally signed the documents and the offerwas on its way. Ashley headed out and the order still hadn't arrived whenLeslie got back from lunch. I went to the studio with Jeramiah and webrainstormed new palette options for a plein air paint setup. Then back tothe shop to close for the day. Jeramiah drove Leslie home, I tagged alongand we discussed creating a manufacturing company to buildpalette/easel/bag/travel art sets. Interesting idea that has legs but weneed more cash flow to get it started. Home and Ashley had a deliciouspizza waiting for supper. Long day and tired.
2019: In to work. Ashley swung by and we walked over to the food trucks forlunch, sitting in the sun and enjoying the day. Then we snagged ice creamfrom Cream Bean Berry and walked around for a bit eating that. She headedon to office and I wrapped up a framing project and checked in witheveryone at the store. Headed out early and we enjoyed a drink on the porchbefore diving in and working on the firewood. I split and Ashley stacked.We got most of it done but not quite all. Ashley made supper and I split abit more. We watched most of a movie before heading to bed.
2020: We all slept in late, me especially. Watched church online, made a tastybreakfast, and had a lazy morning. Ashley went over to Tawnya's to pick upstrawberry slips from her. During tummy time Lily rolled from her stomachto her back, twice! We startled her when we cheered the first time. :D OnFriday she wouldn't really lift her head up on tummy time and now she'srolled over! How fast the changes occur! I cut up an old curtain and made apaintbrush roll and finally got those organized and up off the floor. Muchbetter!
2021: Ashley went to the farm today so Lily and I hung out. We had a nice walk tothe lake. I worked a bit more on the chicken tractor once Ashley returnedin the afternoon.
2022: We all slept in late, horray! Apparently it wasn't quite enough for me,took some time to wake up. Ashley made eggs and smoothies for breakfast.They played in the yard and I got ready for the day. Off to work for longerthan I planned. Home and Ashley had soup ready for supper. I ate duringbath time, then helped put Lily to bed. I finished the edges of the quailcoops and installed one set of doors - they worked great, but I need to getsome more hinges. Then reading a bit before heading to bed.
2023: Before heading to work we all went to the hospital, because Lily has beencurious about what it looks like. So we walked a couple of hallways, rodein the elevator, and had a snack in the cafeteria. Then they headed toTumbling tots and I went to work. Caught up with Robin from over theweekend. I took Robin and Kristen to Himilayan Kitchen for a birthday lunchfor the two of them. Then grabbed ice cream at Cream Bean Berry beforegoing back to the office, and the new test art supplies from Beam Paintsarrived. Before heading home I grabbed ice cream for supper. Ashley helpedcook the common meal and I stayed to help clean up. Read for a bit beforebed.
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