2017: Slept in late and then packed a quick bag and headed up to Ouray toexplore. Lunch at the Backstreet Bistro before driving over to Ridgeway.Stopped at Art by the Park and received a flood of recommendations from theowner, including a quick stop at the Dennis Weaver memorial park. How cool!Then back up to Ouray and got a room at the Ouray Chalet Inn. Shower timeand then over to the Brickhouse for a delicious supper! Picked up popcornat the market and headed to the hotel for snacks and movies.
2018: Slept in late (bit of a headache waking up) and then a slow start to theday. Cleaned the wood stoves and worked on the cardboard desk. Ashley camehome from the retreat and we caught up. Ran into Bayfield for somegroceries and house supplies. I ripped the plywood into strips as stage oneof making the french cleats for the garage wall. Tacos for supper.
2019: Woke early and in to Normas house for coffee and to wrote the weekly email f or work. Got it mostly finished before we E2 80 99ll headed out to town for b reakfast at Waffle House. Back to Normas where we loaded up the bookshelves i n the RV. Jackie and Michael headed to Nashville. We said our goodbyes (alwa ys hard) and hit the road. Made it into Missouri for the night.
2021: Nice to be home. Everyone slept a bit poorly and is feeling a bit under theweather. We went for breakfast at Brenda's, then Ashley dropped us off athome and went back to town for a haircut. Lily and I went for a walk aroundthe lake. Lunch and Lily and Ashley napped while I caught up on somereading. In the afternoon we hung around the house mostly. Lily and I wentto the playground for a long time on the swings while Ashley startedcooking supper - pizza. All the ingredients for the sauce came from thegarden! After supper I moved the chicken coop. We read for a bit before bed.
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