2017: Ashley caught a ride home from a co-worker who lives nearby. Coupled with the freezing rain I didn't venture out all day. Made salsa and margaritas -quite a treat!
2018: Went and drove past a couple of houses. Walked around downtown briefly andended up reading and sipping coffee at the Irish Embassy. Home for supperand some movie watching before bed.
2019: It snowed a bit more over-night so we got out and shoveled before headingto work. I don't know that we had to, but it certainly didn't hurt to savework from later. Distracted-ish day at the store but managed to get somethings done. Ashley visited Amaya while waiting for me. Home to beans andrice for supper - delish! Early to bed.
2020: Work from home day. Got a lot of documentation done. Ashley, Lily and Iwent for a walk around the lake - nice to get out and stretch - haven'twalked it in at least a month. I ran trash off. Mom and Gary arrived about6ish and got to meet Lily! We had supper, visited, and generally hung outfor the evening.
2021: Ashley woke up feeling poorly so I hung out with Lily and got somepaperwork done while they napped. They both seemed to feel better after anap and it's sign day so I headed in to work for that. Also brought thetrailer so I could pick up flooring and some lumber from the Home Depotorder. Ashley ordered pizza so I stopped at Eepa's for supper on the wayhome. Supper, brought in the flooring to the basement, and read before bed.
2023: Work day for me. Anna missed her bus so I started the opening process -which was perfect as I could get some of the opening steps documented.Worked with Anara in framing in the morning. Clara came in and we chatted abit. Home a touch early because Juniper, Christina, Rob, and Adelade wereover for supper. Nice to visit, eat, and play!
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