2016: Shopping and chores. Coming out of the store a Santa Clause in a motorcycle helmet was circling my bike. We chatted for a few minutes - he's looking for a new bike and thought one like mine might be perfect. Stocked up on food and planned meals for a few days. Had stir fry for supper - new recipe and definitely worth repeating!
2017: Ashley dropped me off at Smiley Cafe on her way in to work. I drew somesketches for the public art proposal before walking over to the Art SupplyHouse for the day. Got another sketch done during breaks. Home and over toJeff and Kristy's for a turkey feast. Lots of fun chatting with everyone!
2018: Ran errands all day it felt like - picked up gift card from Native Rootsfor Ashley's Christmas party, a few things from different stores (can'tfind reflector trail tacks anywhere!), completed paperwork so I'm thepresident of the Town Plaza merchant's association, dropped off businesscards at different art businesses, and said hi to the owners of AffordableFraming and Create Art and Tea. Then home for the evening to a tasty supperand we watched a movie before bed.
2019: Worked in the frame shop all day. Ashley stayed home and just putteredabout the house. I picked up groceries after the store closed and headedhome where tacos were waiting. We ate and chatted and then read for just abit before bed.
2020: Spent the day mostly at home with Lily and Ashley. We went for a drive intotown to pick up a package from the Post Office and burgers for lunch fromBottom Shelf, took Christmas photos in our matching PJs, went for a shortwalk along the road, and played at home. Lily walked/turned herself in acircle, holding onto the boxes surrounding her. Popcorn for supper, thenAshley and I played a game of Phase 10 after Lily went to bed. She workedon Lily's journal while I fiddled with formatting and planning for anEternalJournal software update.
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