2017: Ashley made cookies and I started a charcoal landscape drawing. Ran to thepost office and picked up mail, which included the last check from StateFarm. Whew! Ashley headed out and I went into the studio for the day. Jeffand Kristy left for the weekend so I've got the place to myself. Finishedthe landscape and set up the boots still life. Ran low on energy so hoppedin the hot tub and then a haircut. Supper and reading for the evening.
2018: Time change. I woke at the regular time by the clock but got an extra houror so of sleep. Then back to placing the order - while watching the woodstove - that's a great way to work! Ashley slept in late. We had coffee andheaded into Bayfield for lunch at the mexican restaurant - tasty and niceto try something new. Home for a walk around the lake and then we spent theday watching a show about nature/adventure/travel photographers on Netflix.Played a couple rounds of Rummikub. Great, relaxing day at home, together.
2019: Ran the store today, giving Lexis a long weekend before the holiday rush.Pretty steady day, got a lot done. Robin bought lunch from RGP's - so adelicious Greek wrap. Then Ashley picked up salads from Backcountry Gourmetfor supper before we headed to the first childbirth class. Good class, thenheaded home for a short bit of reading before bed.
2020: I woke early and wrote the work email for the week. Ashley didn't pump inthe morning so we all got to play and have breakfast together. Yay! Ashleygot some work done. Lily took a long couple of naps. Lily and I got a walkin around the lake. I split about 1/3 of the cord of dried rounds in theevening. Still need to move them under the deck. Read before bed.
2021: Ashley and I woke early. After coffee and a quick breakfast for her shetook the car to Walmart for an oil change. She also got the supplies forthe Navajo boxes. Then she spent some time at the Smiley Cafe and finallyassembled and dropped off the boxes at the church. Lily and I drove toBayfield and spent time at the library, mostly at the playground. We allgot home in time to have lunch together before Lily's nap. Ashley went fora walk around the lake. We went to Bottom Shelf for supper, then Lilyheaded to bed and we read before doing the same.
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