2017: Worked in the morning and then went home to pack up the RV. Winterized andpacked for travel and pulled out of the spot on D Bar K. Stopped at StateFarm and got Colorado insurance then on to the house. Unloaded the RV intothe house (whew, there's a lot of stuff in there!) and then I took the RVback to D Bar K for a few days, parked out of the way, and headed back toour new apartment on the motorcycle.
2018: In to the store to get the sign out front updated. Then Kristen ran thestore for most of the day. I made some good progress with accounts and suchfor the mutiny, which is getting closer! Nice to get out and about forlunch - walked down to The Living Tree to try something new, really tasty!Chatted with Claude Steelman at Wildshots about buying his moulding andhe's also looking to sell the gallery - so that's something to maybe keepin mind for the future. Home and grilled steaks for supper - the last ofour box-o-beef! Then reading for a brief bit before bed.
2019: Work day. Order arrived early (expected on Monday) so busy putting thataway. Busy day, wore me down so I canceled on the mural painting video.Lisa and the book club crew visited the store. Ashley went and visited themfor a bit before we headed home. We cooked for a bit in prep for tomorrowbefore heading toward bed.
2020: We all hung out at home. I got some chores done about the house (installedthe not-quite-finished cabinet door in the living room). Switched out thenew garden tub planting.
2021: Woke early and read for a bit. Let the chickens out and got breakfast readyfor Ashley and Lily. They headed to the farm for a fun play time withThaddeus. I worked on the weekly email at the house and helped the pestcontrol guy get rid of ants. Finished the email and headed to the store,grabbing lunch at Serious Texas on the way. Bookkeeping and other paperworkbefore heading home. There was a detour so it took forever to get home.Grabbed the Memory Code book from the library on the way, since I had topass it. Helped put Lily to bed and read before heading there myself.
2022: After breakfast I primed the headboard parts for the basement and preppedfor the day. Lily loaded her jumper pockets with rocks. Ashley painted theheadboard parts throughout the day so tomorrow I can assemble them. Choresand such throughout the day at work. Home in time for supper then Lily andI played in the back yard. She rode her roller coaster and we played chasefor a bit. Then bed time for her and reading for Ashley and I beforeheading that way ourselves.
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