2017: Woke early (guess that happens when you go to sleep about 8pm) and headed out from Myrtle Beach, SC. Stopped for a delicious breakfast at Johnny D's before continuing on to Fayetteville. Back at Waldo's Beach we showered and I did laundry while Ashley napped. Dropped her off at work, picked up a couple of things from the store and headed to bed fairly early to catch up from an exciting weekend.
2018: Work day. After work went to supper with Jeramiah and we discussed classesand marketing for The Art Experience. Home late and up a bit reading.
2019: In to work (no jury duty!) and realized that Ashley had my store keys just as she was driving off so I walked to Smiley for coffee and writing first thing in the morning. Then to the store. UPS and printer arrived (looks like I ordered the wrong one, though, and need to exchange it.) Got everything hooked up and mostly working. Left the store and picked up some books from the library. Headed home and made supper then reading before bed.
2020: Good day to work from home. Late night and relatively early morning. Gotsome work done and Ashley had a fairly restful day. Leftovers from thestockpile for lunch and supper. Watched a bit of a movie while holding Lilyand Ashley was able to go run errands in Bayfield (like an adult!)
2021: Didn't want to wake up yet so it was a slow morning. Read for a bit beforeheading in to the store. Detoured down a side-road to explore and drove uppast Lightner Creek campground. There was an SUV stuck so I helped pullthem out. Busy work at the store before grabbing groceries and headed homefor the day. Watched a couple of short videos on greenhouse design andaquaponics before heading to bed.
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