2016: Another slow day at home. Weather was nice (if humid) so I opened door and windows for some air movement in the RV. Did laundry, read a bunch, and found a rotating sketch model website so I can practice quick figure sketching. Ashley worked last night and slept through the day, so quiet here. Poured down rain so we called up an Uber for her to get to work. Now I'm looking through dungeons and dragons stuff. Bet I would have liked this game if I'd have been introduced to it earlier.
2017: Lazy day at home. Applied for a development job. Made supper. Jeff and Krist y left for the week so we have the house to ourselves.
2018: Didn't sleep great. Work from home day. Ashley headed off and I started ontodo list. Installed broom hanger as a surprise for Ashley, got lots ofpaperwork scanning done, took a walk around lake at lunch time, etc. Madestirfry for supper. Early to bed.
2019: Work day - got a lot of little things done in the frame shop. Picked upAshley and headed home. Her sinuses have been bothering her all day so sherested, ate, and to bed on the couch. I worked a bit on the new snowsplitter and read before heading to bed on my own.
2020: In to work at the store fairly early. Ran errands on the way (got someboots!) Picked up food from Yellow Carrot and we all had a great Christmaslunch at the store. Busy day off-and-on so helped in the store as needed.Home for the evening and chatted with Ashley. Fiddled with the 3d printerfor a few minutes. Read for just a bit before bed.
2021: In early to the store to open and fix the printer. Busy day, in bursts. Istretched some canvasses, worked on the email for next week, etc. Ashleyand Lily came in for some shopping then stopped by the store to visit. Weordered pizzas and headed toward home. I grabbed food from Eepas, wewrapped up for the day, ordered blinds, and went to bed early.
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