2017: Went to test drives Escorts in Benton - like the one at McCully's best.Tried a Fiesta in Draffenville but it had a check engine light on. Theneveryone went to Buzzard Rock for lunch and then to Paducah - droppedBailee and Norma off at the movies to watch Pirates. Ash and I went to testdrive an Escort at the Ford dealership. It was newer but wasn't as smoothas a ride. Went to Dry Ground brewing for a drink to pass the rest of themovie. Not sure about the best finance option - have to get an officialoffer to get a loan on our own, or if we'll need Norma to co-sign, or if weshould (or even can) cash out some investments. Blech. Ran into Tiny andLloyd as we were leaving and said hi. Picked them up and headed back to thehouse after a quick stop at Aldi's.
2018: Slept in late after yesterday's long day. Ashley woke in the middle of thenight (it smelled smokey) and was up for a bit reading. Breakfast on thepatio and then back to work. Apparently the deer ate the blooms off of theflowers in the whiskey barrel, and most of the basil leaves! I hauled loadsof pine needles down to the slash pile in the trash can in the car's trunk.Picked up some scraps of wood for future projects. We re-planted the basilin the garden and started some seeds (spinach, lettuce, and onions) that wepicked up at True Value. I re-screened the front door and basement window.Lots of little projects that are making it feel even better and it feelsmore like home. Used left-over screen on the barrel with the flowers,hoping to keep the critters out. Headed into town for supper at BottomShelf Brewing - really enjoyed it, more than either of us expected!
2019: Slept in and then hot breakfast out on the patio at the Rochester - greatto have someone cook and then clean up for us. We sat and chatted for a bitthen walked down to the farmer's market for some greens to top burgers.Then I headed home on the motorcycle and Ashley ran errands on her way inthe car. We got everything ready for company in the evening. Had a greattime with the small group - eating out around the picnic table and playinghorse-shoes and corn-hole. Told them the news about the baby on the way andeveryone was awfully excited! They headed on and we cleaned up and relaxedfor a bit before heading to bed.
2020: Up for a bit then sat with Lily to help her get a nap while Ashley worked -she seemed to be having a hard time getting back to sleep. Then Tobey,Hassel and I went into town so I could show them the store and cover lunch.They wandered about downtown while I worked and then we headed home. Latelunch and then we all went for a walk around the lake. Ashley got Lilysettled down and I drove Hassel and Tobey around the loop road so theycould see more of the neighborhood. Home and Hassel helped me make tacosfor supper. We chatted for a bit and then everyone else headed to bed. Ispent some more time working on Tobey and Hassel's wedding portrait beforeLily woke up and I fed her.
2021: Lily slept poorly, so she joined us in bed for the morning. Afterbreakfast, I headed to Farmington for a Sam's run. Stopped at the store onthe way back and then home for the evening. We signed up for Disney+ andwatched a movie after Lily went to bed. Read for a bit before bed ourselves.
2022: Work day - changed the marquee sign, took care of some paperwork, andgenerally got the week started. Nice day to ride the motorcycle. Ashleywent to the library for a sound bath session and really enjoyed it. Lilyand I had BLTs for supper, out on the back porch. We started her bath andfinished most of it before Ashley got home. Bed time went really smoothly.Read for a bit before bed.
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