2017: Rainy day so hung out indoors, mostly. Worked on Matt's desktop a bit andtinkered with the Nikola static site generator. Made pizzas for supper withHannah's help and Bailee made brownies for supper. Ashley planned the tripto the Outer Banks and made campground reservations.
2018: Met with 360 insurance about house this morning and got to work right atopening time. Spent most of the day in the frame shop, building pre-madesand shadowing Robin. Home afterward for supper and a quick stroll aroundthe neighborhood before heading to bed to read.
2019: Work from home day - made chili in the crockpot and spaghetti sauce on thestove. Lots of chores around the house and got the taxes finished and filed(paying them tomorrow). Whew! Reading, played and tested some newwatercolors, and generally a great day! Reading before bed.
2020: Up and made breakfast for a leisurely breakfast. Got filing done and thenheaded toward to the office. Had a live demo of some new register softwareto try out - it has potential. Did some other tasks before picking up a fewthings from the store and heading home. Lily had gone to bed early so wehad the evening to ourselves. The receiver for the Jeep arrived so I putthat on after making and eating supper. Lily was hungry about 10:30 so Ifed her supper and then bed time for everyone.
2023: Lily asked again to go camping, so we spent the morning loading up the RVand then heading to Vallecito Creek campground. Ashley found a great spotwhile I was heading that way. We got settled then it was time for Lily torest upstairs in the RV. I left, grabbed a bundle of firewood from thecampground host, and some s'mores stuff from the Merchantile by the lake,then headed back. We went around the loop road a couple of times, with Lilyon her strider bike. Had some s'mores then leftovers for supper. Headed tobed, with Lily trying to sleep up in the loft.
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