2017: Woke in the truckstop, went inside to grab coffee since we're out, and hit the road after breakfast. Stopped for shopping up the road - replaced a couple of towels and new skillets (originals from our wedding set). On into Conroe, TX to visit Brant. Settled in at campground then met Brant and Jami at pre-church supper. Excellent to see them both! Visited at their house until late.
2018: Sketched more people in the morning at Smiley Cafe before walking to workfor the day. Checked in with the Welcome Center about displaying brochuresfor TAE there and worked on designing brochure. At lunch walked over topark and sketched more people along the trail. After work went to Mutu'sfor supper - delicious pasta and an appetizer! Grabbed ice cream on the wayhome for dessert.
2019: Woke to a bit of surprise snow. Off and on day - switched between sunny andrain that turned back to snow as the evening came on. Work day about theshop. Picked up groceries before getting Ashley. Ordered a new dishwasherfrom Home Depot and scheduled delivery for two Wednesdays from now. Homeand made pizza for supper.
2020: Slept in the bedroom and took care of feeding Lily throughout the nightwhile Ashley pumped. It worked out well again. Time change, so we were allthrown off a bit this morning. After breakfast I helped finish gettingready for the book club meeting and then headed into town. I explored acouple of new roads and went for a short walk in Hidden Valley beforegetting rained on. Then on to Hermosa Coffee Roasters for a drink and towork on finishing a book. Then home and finished the book in a bath. Madesteaks for supper and then started taking book notes before heading to bed.
2022: We all slept a bit late. Ashley and Lily didn't go shopping with Evanne, asher labor started (their daughter was born mid-day!). I wrote the emailfrom home, waiting for the ant guy to show up and take care of things. Ileft shortly after Ashley and Lily returned from the treehouse. Wrapped upthe email, did payroll, and generally took care of chores around the store.Ashley and Lily came to town for groceries so they visited for a bit. Homeand we traded out the crib for the toddler bed - Lily's pretty excited andimmediately climbed all over it. She went to bed (and took a bit to get tosleep, the new pillow in the bed threw her off, we think) and we read for abit before heading that way ourselves.
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