2017: Went to church at First Methodist and then to The River. We enjoyed both but definitely liked the Methodist better. Then a walk and home for lunch, movi es, and hanging out at home.
2018: Went for a quick walk to the lake in the morning. Saw a bear on the side ofthe road while heading into work! Started the day off at Smiley's. Orderarrived and got it put away, took most of the day. Home for supper andfinished up movie that we started Sunday evening.
2019: Woke about 3 and laid in bed till about 4. We got up, had coffee and readfor a bit, watched the sun come up from the porch, and had a tastybreakfast. Then off to work. Got a lot done - busy day at the frame shopwith 3 framers. Home for the evening to be surprised by 2 packages of babystuff - a backpack and set of swaddle cloths. Read for a bit before bed.
2020: In to the store for the morning. Checked in with everyone and took care ofthe sign and some chores. Home early for a covid church meeting and somefiling. Caught up a lot on scanning and the meeting was successful. Supperand chatted with Ashley for a bit before heading to bed.
2021: Up and out early. I hopped into the RV and headed to Durango to get newtires. Ashley and Lily followed in the car. The RV died once (old gas, Isuspect) but otherwise had no problems at all. We walked along the rivertrail while they changed tires, grabbed coffees, and checked out Goodwill.Then on to Durango for lunch at Baked. Nap time for everyone, enjoyed astorm, and then spent time around the house. We baked a zucchini boat andzucchini bread for supper. Read for a bit after Lily went to bed.
2022: Woke early and got Lily up. I cooked chaffels for breakfast and aftereating we all got ready and headed to the Farmer's Market. Lily rode withme in the Jeep and we went over the bridge and saw the river and went tothe Bayfield market. We didn't see Ashley and figured out that she went toDurango. After walking around the tents we loaded up and headed to town tomeet her. Ashley grabbed a muffin and we had a snack while listening tolive music. Then we all went to the store and wandered around Ace for abit. The girls headed home (and had a birthday party to attend at thetreehouse after naptime) while I stayed at work. Took care of some chores -painted the 3d printed pinecone container, got a value underpainting doneon the L-shaped canvas of a cairne, and worked on membership paperwork forHeartwood. Home and after supper Ashley went for a walk around the lakewhile I gave Lily a shower and got ready for bed. Ashley and I chattedafter she went to sleep.
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