2017: Ashley woke with a headache so we stayed about the house. I looked up routes and weather and planned the next leg of the trip from Santa Fe. She felt better and we headed to Trader Joe's to pick up some supplies for the trip to the ranch. Back at the house she baked cookies. Once Karen and Craig got home we loaded the car and hit the road. Stopped in Bernalillo at Filiberto's for burritos. Tasty and more than enough food! It was dark by then so we took the expedient route up to the ranch.
2018: Slept in late, coffee and reading at home. Tried to go for a bicycle ridebut Ashley had a flat tire so went for a hike up hidden valley instead.Then off to town for coffee at Durango Coffee where we sat out on thesidewalk and I painted a one-color mountain landscape from the book. Overto peruse Durango Outdoor Exchange and then to the Durango Cyclery for newtires and tube for Ashley's bike. Home for a bit of research on bikes andthen off to church for the evening before heading home for supper.
2019: Slept in late, breakfast on the porch, enjoying the morning. Then a walkaround the loop road, picked up sticks from the yard and a trip intoBayfield. Ashley got some succulents for the teacup planter in the kitchenand we snagged ice cream before heading home. Grilled fish and veggies forsupper.
2020: Lily's waking us up before the alarm goes off, but not too early. Lilyslept with one arm out of the wrap as we ease out of the swaddle. She and Iwent for a walk around the neighborhood while she got a nap. We made bacon,baked leek chips, and bacon-grease fried potatoes for supper. Yum! Madesome calls for work throughout the day. Ashley and Lily had a bath - Ithink Lily had an off day, though, so it was pretty short.
2021: Jim and I went to the Durango Hot Springs then to Steamworks for lunch.Grabbed some chocolates and headed home. Jim napped and I read. The girlshad all gone to Vallecito for a walk along the lake. Jim was still sleepingbut I heated up supper for Lily and motorcycled to the Treehouse for theevening. We played a bit, then home and snacked on leftovers for supper.Chatted and hung out before bed.
2022: Woke up early and turned off the light so that Ashley could sleep in late.After making coffee and letting the chickens down I finished readingParadise Lot and made progress on the next book in my stack. Then the housestarted stirring so I made a double batch of chaffles to go with breakfast.We headed to the Rec Center to play at the pool, then Norma, Jim and Ashleyheaded home to get Lily to bed. I stopped by the store for a bit then wenthome. We all went to the airport, where Norma and Jim discovered that theycould fly to Texas, but not from there to Nashville. They got the tripscheduled for tomorrow and we went to Carvers for an early supper. Thenhome to hang out for the evening. Nice to have Jim and Norma around foranother day.
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