2017: Woke early to ride up to Cadillac Mountain to watch the sunrise. Almost didn 't make it in time, the sky was magnificently changing en route and just mad e it to watch the sun peak over the horizon. Made tea and ate a quick breakf ast while the crowd dispersed. Then rode the rest of the loop through the pa rk before getting breakfast and coffee in Bar Harbor. Back at the RV to move over to the Schoodic Peninsula. Hiked some of the trails before supper. I f inished the triangle pine tree drawing.
2018: Bicycled in to work. Picked up some coffees from Durango Joes so that Robincould finally try one - she liked it better than StarBucks. Nice to haveLeslie in the store so I could get a lunch break - bicycled around andenjoyed a sandwich on the patio at Bloom Cafe before heading to the libraryto drop off a book. Finished out the afternoon and then pedaled home forsupper.
2019: Slow start to the morning, but in to work for the day. We put up the lastshelf in the store and cleared up the rest of the remodel constructionpile. Looking good! Stopped at the Pine Cone for supper and then home toread and watch a movie before bed.
2021: Nice day to be at home with Ashley and Lily. Lily was feeling better butstill not 100%. We went to Blue Sky Cafe and got coffees (good!) and thenplayed at the park for a bit before heading home for lunch and a nap.Ashley planted flowers in the baskets and got those hung up while Lilynapped and I worked on some projects around the house. Then I moved somefirewood and cleaned up and got ready to return things to home depottomorrow. We went for a walk along the greenway and spent a few minutes atthe playground. I made pizza for supper and we watched some TV beforeheading to bed.
2022: We got ready for the day and headed to the airport to pick up Mom. On toEepa's for breakfast then back to the house. Mom settled in, then I headedto work for the day. Fire started in front of Perrin's peak so smoky in theafternoon. Home to supper waiting for me, helped put Lily to bed, andchatted with Mom then Ashley before bed for us.
2023: Ashley woke up feeling poorly and Lily had an earache. So I helped withirrigation then took Lily to the pediatrician in Durango for a check-up(just a cold, keep using ibuprophen) and dropped her back at home. Startedthe yogurt making process. Then in to work to cover Kristen's lunch,prepped all of my portrait sketches for the oil painting tests, and closethe store for the day. Home and after helping get Lily and Ashley to bed Imowed the yard, wrapped up the yogurt, and read for a bit before going tobed myself.
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